Thursday, January 28, 2010

There goes my life

Beg me.
Plead for peace.
Change this scene, Im at fault.
I give you my deepest apologies.
Yes, Apologies.
I fall down too often and rise too quick.
Lay with me, look at the darkness.
Take a peak.
Yes, a peak.
but who am I to speak?

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Hunger for materialistic things
Hunger for pride, for power
To be content is the equivalent to being wrong
To have ambition, to have goals is thought of as wrong
Who have I become?
I have become society
I have become social acceptance,
but who am I to speak?

Friday, January 22, 2010


Ive sold my admiration to the lost
It seems my taste to admire has ceased
Use to you see, role models fueled my everyday life
Made me who I was, and wanted to be
Elders have always told me that with age comes wisdom
With my age, Ive began to lose sight in admiration
Ive lost my fuel to admire,
but who am I to speak?